"Fuck Bush They Fucking Left Us Here Them Bitches Flooded Us . . . Them Bitches Killed Our People."
The LA Weekly reports that the slogan above was scrawled on the walls of a Houston shelter where displaced New Orleans residents currently reside. It reveals the anger and the disappointment that those folks feel, but it reveals a darker edge that the article also illuminates, a sense that it was not just neglect but deliberate malice and action that flooded New Orleans. Such conspiracy stories make sense in communities that have suffered official neglect for generation.
It seemed to many of the poorer and darker folks whose lives and homes were destroyed ithe wakeke of the storm that the authorities didn't step in until it was too late to help them, and when they arrived it was with rifles drawn to protect the rubble rather than to aid the needy. The National Guard filed in accompanied by the Blackhawk mercenaries-- the new Team America.
"It had become Bush's Baghdad on the Bayou, except that there were no insurgents to speak of."
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